Monday, January 5, 2015

A journey...

This year I turn 35. I refuse to be fat and 35. It's just not going to happen.

Flashback to Christmas morning. I tried on 10 dresses and ended up in tears and skipping church because I looked and felt awful. I said to myself then and there that I would not have this problem next Christmas.

I've been overweight as long as I can remember. I remember the first time it was brought to my attention. I was in third grade. I was playing during recess and a boy told me I was fat. I remember saying back "But my Mom says these jeans make me look thin."  We didn't have facepalms back then, but it was most certainly a facepalm moment. My mother was obviously aware I had an issue but up until that point, I was not.  I look back at pictures now and don't think I look fat, I look like a perfectly healthy kid and the boy who said what he did was one of those naturally lanky ones, so who knows?

Queue a lifetime obsessed with food and weight and losing weight. I was ten the first time I joined weight watchers. I hated it. I hated never being able to eat what other kids were able to eat. I yo-yo dieted for years. I hit a high of 350lb when I was 19. That prompted weight loss surgery when I was 20.  That got me down to 180lb before I got pregnant. 3 kids and 14 years later I'm back around 225. I eat like a normal person again with the exception of anything overly sweet which causes dumping syndrome.

I broke my leg playing roller derby last year and was actually fairly fit at the time, despite being around the 200lb mark, but I've had nothing but trouble since and will need more surgery in March. I've decided it's time for a permanent change and am switching us all to Paleo eating.

Most of these blogs seem to show up with people having already lost all the weight and sharing their experience, this will be different. This will be a journey- recipes, diet, exercise, experiences along the way.

I started the Whole 30 on January 4th along with my husband. We will transition to a more Paleo/Primal diet come February and depending on how reintroduction of certain dairy products affect us. The kids we're going to slowly cut back on gluten and dairy, but they will revolt if we throw them in the deep end. Hopefully over time they will see the difference in how certain foods make them feel and make their own decisions.

So... that's the backstory. Onto a newer healthier future!